Revolutionary Advances in Hypertension Treatment as of 2025

Hypertension, also referred to as high blood pressure is a common public health issue affecting about 1.3 billion people around the world. In 2025, several breakthroughs have been made in the management of this condition and new treatments and technologies are expected to start helping people with this condition.

1. Introduction of the ‘Super Pill’ GMRx2

Australian researchers from The George Institute for Global Health have created a new polypill, GMRx2, which puts three current antihypertensive drugs into a single tablet taken once a day. In a large multicentre randomised controlled trial 1385 patients from Australia, UK and USA achieved greater than 70% suppression of blood pressure within one month using GMRx2. This is a significant advancement in terms of ease of use and patient compliance that may change the future of hypertension care.

2. Targeted Thermal Therapy (Triple T) for Primary Aldosteronism

A team of doctors from Queen Mary University of London, Barts Health NHS Trust and University College London have created Targeted Thermal Therapy (Triple T), which is a less invasive treatment for patients with high blood pressure due to Primary Aldosteronism, a hormonal disorder. Triple T is an endoscopic ultrasound guided radiofrequency ablation that attacks the adrenal glands and lowers blood pressure. It is a breakthrough that has the potential to change the current practice of medical care for this usual yet neglected cause of hypertension.

3. Renal Denervation: A New Option for Resistant Hypertension

For patients with hypertension that is not well controlled on medication, a new treatment called renal denervation has recently been developed. This process sends energy in the form of ultrasound or radiofrequency through a catheter to overactive nerves near the kidneys to slow their functioning and lower blood pressure. This treatment was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration about a year ago for patients with resistant hypertension. In the short term, the effects are still being felt, but the results show that there is a relatively small but significant decline in blood pressure, which offers hope to those who have trouble controlling their blood pressure.

4. Advances in Cuffless Blood Pressure Monitoring

Conventional blood pressure screening is based on the use of devices that are often inconvenient and may limit the frequency of monitoring. New developments have enabled the creation of cuffless blood pressure monitoring systems based on photoplethysmography (PPG) signals. One such innovation, the TransfoRhythm framework, uses a Transformer-based deep neural network to predict blood pressure directly from PPG signals only. This technology could mean that patients are more comfortable and have more choices for monitoring, which may lead to better hypertension control and effects.


The year 2025 is a significant turning point in the battle against hypertension and these new treatments and technologies can now help millions of people around the world. With further research and clinical studies, it is anticipated that these improvements will become an essential part of hypertension care pathways and thus enhance patients’ lives.

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